A Letter to Kids: August 24, 2017
Dear Girls and Boys,
I have written you about seventeen letters through the years. I hope you enjoy reading them. This year I want to remind you that my mom, my three children and I were born in El Paso, Texas. My dad was born in Mexico. He came to El Paso with his family when he was a little boy.
I love many landscapes–oceans and beaches, forests–and deserts.
Now I live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. My husband and I love to look at the trees, hills, and mountains from our back deck. Below are some photos from around our house. In the winter, we do have snow even though we are in the desert. I like to read about the birds, plants and trees that grow here. Reading is one way that I keep learning. What do you like to read about?
This year and every year be sure your school celebrates Children’s Day, Book Day / El día de los niños, el día de los libros (nickname Día) in April, www.patmora.com/whats-dia.
Your reading friend,

A Letter to Kids: August 24, 2017 — No Comments
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