Share Bookjoy with Ebooks: English, Spanish, Bilingual
As part of our focus on celebrating Children’s Day, Book Day at home, here are links to Pat’s books that are available as ebooks. In alphabetical order:

The Beautiful Lady: Our Lady of Guadalupe
La hermosa Señora: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
(The Beautiful Lady in Spanish)
Delicious Hullabaloo/Pachanga deliciosa
The Desert is My Mother/El desierto es mi madre
Doña Flor: A Tall Tale About a Giant Woman
with a Great Big Heart
Dizzy in Your Eyes: Poems About Love
Encantado: Desert Monologues
The Gift of the Poinsettia/El regalo de la flor de nochebuena
I Pledge Allegiance
Yo Prometo Lealtad
(I Pledge Allegiance in Spanish)
The Remembering Day/El día de los muertos
ZING! Seven Creativity Practices for Educators & Students
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