Día Dynamos
Día Dynamos, creative and collaborative literacy advocates throughout the U.S., strive to expand Children's Day, Book Day’s impact in innovative ways. The Dynamos understand that children matter and deserve to be celebrated, that literacy matters, and that linking all children and families to books and bookjoy strengthens communities and our country.
Tracie D. Hall
Tracie D. Hall
Executive Director
American Library Association
We are honored to introduce our newest Dynamo, Tracie D. Hall! In February 2020, Tracie was appointed the American Library Association’s 10th executive director in its 143-year history. In her new role, she oversees the oldest and largest library association in the world, made up of 57,000 members and more than 200 staffers. Tracie is the first female African American executive director in ALA’s history. She also quickly became a friend of Children's Day, Book Day (CDBD).

Dr. Claudette S. McLinn
Dr. Claudette S. McLinn
Founder and Executive Director
Center for the Study of Multicultural Children's Literature (CSMCL) Dr. Claudette S. McLinn is a retired District Supervising Librarian in Library Services for the Los Angeles Unified School District with over 34 years’ experience. A literacy dynamo, she is the Founder and Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Multicultural Children's Literature (CSMCL) in CA. In 2011, Claudette created the CSMCL Día Grant with an African America Focus. Funded by CSMCL in partnership with the Association of Library Services to Children (ALSC), the initiative rewards successful Día activities by libraries in communities across the country who engage in creative and innovative programming of multicultural literature about the African American experience for children and young adults. Outstanding winning libraries of this nationwide competition are awarded $500 in selected multicultural books.

Kyle Zimmer
Kyle Zimmer
President and Co-founder
First Book Kyle Zimmer, a lawyer, is the President and Co-founder of First Book, the amazing nonprofit social enterprise founded to ensure that local schools and community programs across the country serving children from low-income families would have a steady supply of the brand-new, high-quality books they so desperately need. With her support, First Book has grown its Día engagement as part of First Book’s commitment to connect children to books that promote diversity and inclusion (Stories for All Project). She embraced the opportunity for First Book to expand the Mora Award to more partners growing the Día movement and encourages her staff to work cross-functionally to elevate Día nationally. Kyle’s commitment to innovation and collaboration has earned her a reputation as a social sector leader.

Lupita Vega
April 2013
Lupita Arroyo
Principal Librarian, Youth Services
Santa Ana Public Library (CA)
Lupita Arroyo, raised in Santa Ana, CA, is the Principal Librarian, Youth Services, at Santa Ana Public Library (CA), a library that received the Mora Award in 2011. After experiencing the Mexican tradition of El día del niño in Mexico in 2009, Lupita started the tradition at the library where years ago she began her library journey as a tutor. Under her leadership, the annual Santa Ana Día celebration is a model of community collaboration. She expanded her Día commitment by agreeing to serve on the Mora Award Committee and was the Committee’s chair, a time-consuming and challenging responsibility. I’m deeply grateful for her willingness to apply her professional leadership skills to deepening Día’s impact locally and nationally. Gracias, Lupita!
Read our interview with Lupita

Jamie Naidoo
Jamie Campbell Naidoo, Ph.D.
2018-2019 President of ALSC
Foster-EBSCO Endowed Professor
Interim Director/Department Chair
School of Library & Information Studies, University of Alabama
Dr. Jamie Naidoo was our first Día Dynamo professor. It's exciting to see a young academic, a staunch Día supporter, teaching through his example on his campus, in his community, and in his national professional organizations including ALA. Through his National Latino Children's Literature Conference, his work with Día Noche de Cuentos, and school and library events, he celebrates Latino cultural literacy. In person and on the page, Jamie inspires present and future librarians and teachers when he shares Día's goals, rationale and potential. A prolific publisher and enthusiastic, engaging presenter across the country, Jamie has a knack for making Día irresistible, an obvious family literacy initiative for all. Jamie even has a graduate course for librarians which includes information on how to plan and fund Día programs. Gracias, Jamie! Read our interview with Jamie.

Lise Tewes
Lise Tewes, Children's Services Coordinator
Kenton County Public Library (KY)
Lise has been a supporter of Children's Day, Book Day since 2005. Formerly the Children's Services Coordinator at the Erlanger Branch of the Kenton County (KY) Public Library, Lise was part of the KCPL team that won the 2006 Mora Award. Lise is now the School Services Coordinator for KCPL. In this role, Lise will be planning and promoting CD/BD events with all the schools in Kenton County. Lise was named a Día Dynamo in 2011 and served on the 2013-14 Mora Award Committee. Read our interview with Lise

Lydia Breiseth
January 2011
Lydia Breiseth, Manager
Colorín Colorado, Learning Media Department, WETA (DC)
I am so grateful for Lydia Breiseth, manager of Colorín Colorado, who has been a loyal and creative Día supporter for years. She's our only Dynamo who works in the world of media, and I'm hoping that she'll teach us all. In your communities and nationally, how do we form lasting partnerships with those in the TV, radio, web, and print media spheres who can be Día advocates? I finally had the pleasure of meeting Lydia in 2010. I admire her commitment to involving parents, particularly Spanish-speaking parents, in the literacy-life of their children. Through author interviews and creative web programming, she's an impressive advocate for promoting cultural knowledge and pride. Gracias, Lydia!
Read our interview with Lydia

Joseph Rodriguez
December 2010
R. Joseph Rodriguez, Ph.D.
Coeditor, English Journal (2019-2023)
Faculty, St. Edward's University
Years ago, when I was still living in El Paso, I received a letter from a boy in Houston asking if I would be his "poet friend." The boy, now Dr. Joseph Rodriguez, my cherished friend, included his photo. The first ten Día Dynamos were librarians, most working in public libraries. With Joseph, I introduced other equally committed dynamos who don't spend their days with library patrons. In the years I've had the pleasure to know Joseph, wherever he has been, he has been a creative advocate for diversity and for literacy, for sharing bookjoy. In 2013, he accepted a faculty position at my alma mater. His passion and planning consistently inspire me. Gracias, Joseph!
Read our interview with Joseph

Jeanette Larson
November 2010
Jeanette Larson
Retired librarian, consultant, trainer, and writer formerly with Austin Public Library (TX) and the Texas State Library
How grateful I am to my friend Texas librarian Jeanette Larson who has been an active Día supporter from the beginning. The key word in that first sentence is “active.” Jeanette is a do-er. Long before I was that familiar with the web, it was Jeanette who said, “We need to get Día on the web, and we need a Día booklet.” She now presents a Día webinar for ALSC. What a gift to me and Día. Through the years, Jeanette has been helping Día grow through her teaching and conference presentations and through her ALA book, El día de los ninos/El día de los libros: Building a Culture of Literacy in Your Community Through Día. Gracias, Jeanette.
Read our interview with Jeanette

Lucia Gonzalez
October 2010
Lucia Gonzalez, Library Manager
North Miami Public Library (FL)
also Author & Storyteller, 2010-11 President of REFORMA
I first knew Lucia Gonzalez as an author, always warm and supportive. Eventually, I discovered that she was also a committed librarian and REFORMA leader. Broward County Library won the Mora Award in 2007 thanks to her efforts with her team. How fortunate I was to work on Día's 15th Anniversary with Lucia during her term as REFORMA's President. Her understanding of Día's goals and potential made her the perfect partner for the celebratory year. Lucia generously shares her many talents and her energy in growing Día. She has also helped me and ALSC increase Día awareness within ALA and in libraries across the country. Gracias, Lucia!
Read our interview with Lucia

Meryle Leonard
September 2010
Meryle Leonard, Outreach Manager
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library (NC)
What good memories I have of visiting North Carolina schools in 2004 thanks to the Novello Book Festival sponsored by the public library of Charlotte Mecklenburg County. When I returned to Novello in 2007, I had the pleasure of meeting gracious librarian Meryle Leonard. Meryle quickly took an interest in Día and has been a champion ready to strengthen the celebration in Charlotte and also ready to share her ideas and commitment locally, state-wide and in her region. Her library won the Mora Award in 2008. In good and bad financial times, Meryle has involved her team in planning an annual April Día celebration. Gracias, Meryle!
Read our interview with Meryle

Oralia Garza de Cortes
July 2010
Oralia Garza de Cortes
Latino Children's Literature Consultant
Austin (TX)
I often refer to Oralia Garza de Cortes as Día’s madrina, godmother in Spanish, a person traditionally chosen because of her commitment to the well-being of a child. In 1996, minutes after I was first zapped by the Día idea, the Tucson REFORMA Chapter quickly volunteered to help. Soon after, Oralia enthusiastically committed to connecting the Día concept to REFORMA nationally. REFORMA, of course, became the first organization to partner with me in growing Día. Oralia has helped me and ALSC increase Día awareness within ALA and in libraries across the country. She has also promoted the Día initiative internationally. Gracias, Oralia!
Read our interview with Oralia

Bobbie Combs
April 2010
Bobbie Combs
Partner in We Love Children's Books (MD)
Although we seldom see one another, Bobbie is my key problem solver with my site, blog, e-newsletter, endless lists. Much of this work is directly and indirectly connected to Día, of course. I named her a Dynamo because she is an enthusiastic, tireless Día supporter. Working with her late partner Laurina, now a Día Angel, she proposed the creative idea for having the first Díapalooza on my blog in 2010 and continues to donate time to Día work. Gracias, Bobbie!
Read our interview with Bobbie and Laurina

Beatriz Pascual Wallace
February 2010
Beatriz Pascual Wallace, Children's Librarian
Seattle Public Library (WA)
I feel so fortunate to have met Beatriz Pascual Wallace in 2008 when I attended a Día celebration at her library branch. She was friendly and seemed so organized and responsible. Was my initial assessment correct! Beatriz served on REFORMA’s 2009 Mora Award Committee and has graciously and generously chaired the 2010, 2011 and 2012 Mora Award Committees. This role is a challenging one since the committee members are across the country and the chair works closely with them, REFORMA's president and public relations coordinator--and me. Beatriz and I revised and updated the guidelines and explored ways to increase the Mora Award's visibility. I am deeply grateful to Beatriz for her thoroughness and ever-cheerful manner. Gracias, Beatriz!
Read our interview with Beatriz

Ana Ruiz Morillo
December 2009
Ana Ruiz Morillo, Spanish Outreach Program Specialist Senior
& "We Speak Your Language" Group
Multnomah County Library (OR)
I met Ana Ruiz Morillo, who's from the Dominican Republic, in 2008. Ana always amazes me with the Día ideas and materials she and the dedicated "We Speak Your Language" staff create. They won the Mora Award in 2002. Ana is quick to generously share creative ideas and materials and models fostering diverse community partnerships and planning Día celebrations at numerous sites. She energetically works to link the Latino community to the library. Her April Día celebrations include activities for teens, are always fun and, to use her words, are "literacy rich." She expands Día's impact through assessing community needs such as classes for adults and a kindergarten readiness program. Her new invention is "Día To Go" or "Día in a Box." Gracias, Ana!
Read our interview with Ana

Flo Trujillo
March 2009
Flo Trujillo, Youth Services Coordinator
Farmington Public Library (NM)
When I first began to promote Día in New Mexico, I luckily met an amazing librarian, Flo Trujillo. Born in this state, Flo understood the need to excite children and families about literacy and to encourage school and public libraries to partner with diverse families. She quickly volunteered to promote Día throughout the state, and she energetically continues this challenging work. Though we seldom see one another, she's always busy sharing the Día initiative as an Afterschool Ambassador (an Afterschool Alliance program), with government agencies, etc. I was so stunned by Flo's quick willingness to claim her state as her Día goal that I thought: how do I honor such courage? She was the inspiration for the Día Dynamos. Gracias, Flo!
Read more about Flo
With Us in Spirit

Angela Hubbard
Angela Hubbard
Program Officer, Projects & Partnerships
Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC)
On May 15, 2015, Angela Hubbard became ALSC's Program Officer. ALSC is a major Día partner, and Angela became an enthusiastic supporter adding her leadership and positive energy as soon as she joined our team. Her prompt responses and helpful questions are helping to expand our work. Thanks, Angela!
Read our interview with Angela

Dan and Kay Moore
Dan and Kay Moore
I'm pleased to introduce my friends, Día Dynamos, Dr. Dan Moore (Vice President-Programs Retired, W.K. Kellogg Foundation) and Dr. Kay Moore (Dean and Professor Emerita, North Carolina State University, Retired), both long-time Día supporters. I’m sure they wonder if we’ll ever have a visit when we don’t discuss Día’s future. Dan supported Día from its beginning providing ALSC organizational support while he was at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The Moores then enhanced the The Estela and Raúl Mora Award supporting [of] the Mora Honor Awards, [in recent years] and now contribute to expanding Children's Day, Book Day nationally. Gracias, gracias!
November 2015

Thom Eberhardt & Christy Vasquez
New friends, Christy Vasquez and Thom Eberhart, Californians now living in Santa Fe, first heard about Día a few months ago. Librarian Elizabeth Martinez introduced me to Christy, a retired librarian who had worked with Elizabeth in CA, and to Christy's husband Thom, a retired screenwriter. To assist in promoting Día's 20th Anniversary nationally, as Sky City Productions, they created and filmed wonderful short Día video spots that visually convey bookjoy. How generous of them to donate their creative talents for all of us to share!.

Pat Smith
Pat Smith
Former Executive Director
Texas Library Association
As 2015 begins, let's celebrate Pat Smith, the Executive Director of the Texas Library Association. With over 7,000 members, TLA is the largest state library association in the country. Pat, our new Día Dynamo, has been an enthusiastic and loyal Día supporter for many years. A nationally respected library leader, Pat is one of the most talented and committed administrators I know.
Read our interview with Pat Smith

Roxanna Barillas
Roxana Barillas
Partnership Specialist at US Census Bureau
Former Director of Hispanic Engagement, First Book
Originally from El Salvador, Roxana Barillas is the former Director of Hispanic Engagement for First Book, a nonprofit social enterprise that has provided over 110 million books to children through its network of over 90,000 educators, librarians and program leaders serving children in need. Roxana’s own immigrant experience has shaped her professional and service career. I am deeply grateful for Roxana's enthusiasm about Día and for her determination to expand the impact of El día de los niños, El día de los libros on all children and families.
Read our interview with Roxana

Elva Garza
August 2010
Elva Garza
Regional Branch Operations Manager
Austin Public Library (TX)
Librarian Elva Garza understood Día and offered her faithful support since Día's beginnings. She advocated for Día on local, state and national levels and participated in conference programs that educated others and extended Día's reach. Under her leadership, Austin Public Library won the first Mora Award in 2000. Elva also helped increase Día awareness within ALA and in libraries across the country. Gracias, Elva!
Read our interview with Elva

Mark Smith
February 2011
Mark Smith, Director and Librarian
Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TX)
While a library administrator in Riverside, California, Mark was a catalyst for Día’s growth state-wide. An administrator who invests in people and who works to connect diverse children to literacy, Mark also volunteered to help me and the Association of Library Service to Children (ALSC) increase Día awareness within ALA and in libraries across the country. Since 2013 Mark has been State Librarian of Texas and promotes Children’s Day Book Day via Lone Star Día, a project of the Texas Center for the Book. Gracias for your steady support, Mark.
Read our interview with Mark

Merri Monks
January 2014
Merri Monks
Retired Youth Services Consultant
Iowa Library Services/State Library of Iowa
Merri Monks was born in New Mexico but has spent most of her life in Iowa. She became a librarian because, probably like all the Dynamos, she loves libraries. You can imagine my surprise when, after years of trying to interest people in the Día concept, this lovely woman came up to me and said, “I’m planning to promote Día throughout the state of Iowa.” We were in St. Louis at the IBBY/USBBY conference (2013). I almost fainted. True to her word, Merri has been busy planning and has recruited some experienced Iowa librarians to assist with a webinar that she’ll be sharing with her colleagues across the country. The girl who found libraries a “learning haven” now strives to make all libraries a haven for all children. Gracias, Merri!

Sara Howery
Sara Howrey
Retired Children's Librarian
Kenton County Public Library (KY) What hope Sara gave me when I met her years ago in the Cincinnati/Northern KY area where I lived then. Sara was unstoppable in her determination to involve the public library in creating new partnerships. She also brought attention to Día nationally within ALA. Like all good Día leaders, she created a committee that she nurtured, so that when she retired, someone else was ready to bring her talents to assuming that leadership role.
Read our interview with Sara
Día Angels

Laurina Cashin
April 2010
Laurina Cashin, Partner in We Love Children's Books
In 1999, I had the good fortune to begin working with Bobbie Combs and Laurina Cashin as my Web team. Lucky me. Through the years, I relied on Bobbie and Laurina for ideas, candid advice, and Web knowledge. I worked closely with my friend Laurina on a newsletter, on designing the site, and on the Día booklet. Gentle Laurina had an artistic eye, liked design issues and was patient with my rushing. It was a deep sadness to have Laurina leave us this March though her sweet smile, spirit and deep commitment to Día remain with all of us who had the privilege of knowing her.
Read our interview with Bobbie and Laurina

Rose Trevino
June 2010
Rose Treviño, Librarian
If Oralia is Día’s madrina, Rose Treviño, who died April 30, 2010, is Día’s guardian angel. I'd met her thanks to our mutual friend Oralia and thanks to ALA. Rose was an early supporter of Día and served on its National Advisory Committee at ALSC. A Texas librarian deeply committed to all children including the under-served, Rose promoted Día when she was head of children's services at the San Antonio Public Library where she discovered bookjoy as a child, and later championed Día at the Houston Public Library. I believe it was Rose, who when she was on the ALSC Board, was a grand champion who encouraged the Board to offer to be Día's national home.
Read more about Rose